8 (slightly unusual) Tips for Comforting Yourself Really Fast

8 (slightly unusual) Tips for Comforting Yourself Really Fast

Bonjour dear royal friends! Please enjoy another post from my palace desk. Today I want to bring to you 8 tips for calming yourself really fast when you are feeling stressed or a little blue. These strategies can be done in under 10 minutes. They might seem a tad unusual, but so am I. And you’re still here, so we’re good! Please CLICK ON TITLE to read more….

How to leave your BOO HOO’s behind

How to leave your BOO HOO’s behind

It’s Princess Diane Von Brainisfried here! Happy Halloween! Once again it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where positivity “rules” and humor abounds. I’d like to share with you a great “trick”, and a great “treat”: advice on how to leave your “BOO” HOO’s behind! Please click on title to read more….

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