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Tools and Tips for Optimism and Positivity in the Face of Challenges

Greek Head Planter

Life isn’t’ always a bowl of cherries…sometimes it’s the pits! This humor-filled course teaches strategies for optimism and positivity in the face of challenges to our happiness. A perfect life isn’t the goal; a better one is.

Course Description (60 Minutes):

This course teaches encouraging ideas for optimism and positivity regardless of our circumstances.  A version of this course was originally developed for the transgender community pursuant to a speaking invitation at the Babs Siperstein Humanities and Medicine Seminar at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

Topics Include:

  • Overcoming negative self-talk
  • Letting go of toxic emotional baggage
  • Filling the hole of the dreaded “inner void”
  • Finding a sense of meaning and purpose in the darkness
  • Using empowering words to empower your world
  • Leveraging gratitude to lighten your load
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