Bonjour Royal Friends!
For those of you who live where seasons reign, you know that every season of the year has its demerits and its delights. I suspect many of you have your unabashed favorite season. As a breast cancer survivor who is basically grateful just to wake up every morning, every season becomes my new favorite. Nonetheless, each spring, I find myself thinking about what I particularly love about the months ahead. What adventures can I dive into? What foods can I relish? What outfits will I find at the back of my closet during spring cleaning that I can reinvent?
That got me to think’in…what is it about spring that makes it so special? What is it about spring that gives us the absolute right to anticipate such unbounded joy? What is it about spring that brings miracles? What is it about spring that gives it the right to be one of my top four favorite seasons? Princess wink. Here’s what:
My 23 “Rights” of Spring
Spring gives me the right to:
- Breathe in the deliciously sweet scent of lilac bushes.
- Spot lollygagging turtle families lined up on logs along the Delaware Canal.
- Look forward to trips to animal rescue farms.
- Get pedicures more frequently and slap spring colors on my piggies.
- Wake up to the sweet songs of wing-ed flutes flying in my trees.
- Have family and friends around the firepit of fun.
- Forage the four corners of my closet for outfits to be worn in new ways.
- See the tops of tender green things shooting through the earth with bold promises.
- Ride a bicycle outside, so that when I pedal, I actually go somewhere.
- Wear bare-shouldered ball gowns and not feel cold.
- Listen to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons “Spring” movement, when it is.
- Work the garden and watch it take root.
- Enjoy outdoor water fountains with their trickling, soothing sounds.
- Open windows in the days, and the nights.
- Delight in the blue of robins’ eggs, and the nests they’re nestled in.
- Greet the bleatings of baby animals into the world.
- Smell dinner time grills wafting around the neighborhood.
- Energize and galvanize new plans for life.
- Take long walks without a sweater, or coat, or mukluks.
- Scour flea markets for perfect treasures.
- Frolic in refreshing rain.
- Market where fresh produce is mile-high piled in wooden baskets.
- Gaze with amazement at butterflies on butterfly bushes.
- Tumble back into my breezy, wonder-eyed, carefree, childhood self — because spring meets me there. And it can meet you there too, if you let it.
Here’s to a marvelous spring!

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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer. She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.