Bonjour Royal Friends!
I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where positivity rules and kindness reigns.
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I’d like to chat with you about one of the most powerful princess life-enhancing skills the palace pundits taught me when first I found out I was a princess. Now this was pretty recently if you’re counting kingdom years, which are like dog years, only multiply by 500 and not 7. When the Palace Powers that Be found out about this newbie princess who seemed to fall out of the sky, they requested I take the infamous “Crash Course on Royal Comportment” (CCRC), and I obliged.
As many of my followers know, I believe everyone has a little royalty in them. Thus I promised in the beginning of my reign that I would share princess-hack worthy information that was passed down to me in my royal capacity, since nobody else will. The fluff along with the important stuff. The following is in the latter category.
The curriculum of the CCRC included the expected etiquette lessons, such as how to discretely expel the pits of an olive while wearing elbow length white, silk, gloves at a royal banquet. (Answer-don’t eat olives.) Or how to keep a smile plastered on your visage when your face tires after endless hours of meet & greets with foreign dignitaries. (Answer-invisible jaw tape.) But it was this next piece of palace punditry I learned during my CCRC that remains one of the most potent pieces of life-hackery that I have ever learned. It’s this:
Be grateful for everything that’s in your life, even the stuff that gives you hives, because gratitude is a princess’s super power!
What, you say?! That can’t be right. Somebody in the palace had sedition on the brain. I thought that at first, but I soon learned my educators were of the noblest, most trustworthy order.
You see, gratitude is a princess’s super power because it’s like one hardworking household spray. The kind that you can use for dusting, cleaning mirrors, and cutting grease at the same time. Likewise, gratitude can bust through a bad case of the blues, temper a raging temper, and heal a hammered heart.
All the above are emotions that feel pretty bad, and we often search for anything that will slay these dragons that sometimes hurt so badly and are so intense, they feel like they can kill you. Gratitude makes it feel like these emotional dragons can’t kill you. And they can’t kill you if you shift how you look at them. If you can know that everything in front of you is your guide, your sherpa, your teacher, your tutor, you can learn to find an element of gratitude in all of life’s heartburns. You’ll gather the resilience to keep on keepin’ on. The gratitude will be like armor, and it will make you strong.
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously said, “That which does not kill us makes me stronger.” Stronger is great. Stronger is heroic. Stronger keeps you from slinking away with your tail between your legs. Stronger is beating your hands against your chest like King Kong and going….you can take me out, but you can’t keep me down. Stronger is a love song to your tiara and the head it sits on. Stronger is a love song to those who love you and count on you. Stronger helps you rule your world. That’s why gratitude is a princess super power.
You don’t need to find a royal coat of arms in an ancestor’s closet like I did to learn these lessons. You’ve got me. I’m telling you…reach down and find that golden glimmer of gratitude wherever you can. You need to stay strong for yourself and so you can be the leader you were meant to be. Gratitude can help you get there.
Stay strong and carry on!
While I have your attention, please join me and the company of some brilliant ladies who will each share ONE THOUGHT TO END 2020 with GRATITUDE & GRACE. NOVEMBER 25, 7AM & 7PM EST. WWW.DREAMVISIONS7RATIO.COM/FLAUNT. on demand at
Royal friends, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t already so I can send more positivity your way! SUBSCRIBE HERE.
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P.S.You can grab my book BONJOUR, BREAST CANCER⏤I’M STILL SMILING! here: It was #1 on Book Authority’s “Best New Breast Cancer Books of 2020!

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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer. She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.