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The key to handling adversity in one simple word!

​Bonjour Royal Friends!

I hope this post finds you healthy and thriving! Today I put together a short video to talk to you about one word that will rock your world when things get rough. One little word that will help you direct your thoughts to survival mode. Very Darwinian stuff. That word is “Adaptation.” My beloved and brilliant father, Dr. Irving Young always used to say, “Adaptation is the finest quality of protoplasm.” This phrase is so very applicable today during these uncertain times. I encourage you to watch this short video where I share with you some thoughts for cultivating a more adaptive spirit, a quality of resilience which will ease your burdens of fear and uncertainty now and for the rest of your life. You can WATCH THE VIDEO HERE.

 Hugs, love, & live your royally happy life!  REMEMBER, before you leave, SUBSCRIBE & GET YOUR FREE REPORT
“7 Insanely Simple Happiness Strategies Every Princess Must Have!”




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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It will be available for purchase soon, on September 17th, 2024!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! currently available, for those of you who just can't wait!