Bonjour Royal Friends!
I’d like to talk to you today about making this Thanksgiving holiday better than it’s ever been by adding a new tradition to your Thanksgiving entertaining repertoire.
Well, you say Princess, “Fat chance/nice try. We already have all the tradition we need. (translation: We have way too much work as it is.) Besides, our Turkey Days couldn’t get one lick better, what with the tryptophan overload, the way we do our stuff-ing, the cranberry-we-relish, and pie to the π degree, we’ve pretty much got this day down pat.”
Maybe. But adding this new tradition is as simple as Simple Simon. During the festivities, each guest or family member chooses one thing or person they are thankful for and says why they are thankful. For example, the Thanksgiving Turkey might say, “I’m truly thankful for every single vegetarian in this room, because you gave me the chance at freedom, even though the poultry-vores invited here today totally screwed that up.”
You can do this at any point in the festivities, be it during the cheese, crackers, and baked oyster dip, before Aunt Ruby slices the bird, or during the sweetness of after dinner treats. If you adopt this new tradition, guaranteed your Thanksgivings will be remembered as super-special, and the positive energy you whip up will warm the cockles of everyone’s heart, whatever cockles are.
The 13th century Sufi poet Rumi wrote, “If you only say one prayer in a day, make it ‘thank you.’” What better one-hit wonder prayer to say on Thanksgiving than that.
My royal friends, I’ve got one thing to say to you. Merci milles fois. Grazie mille. A million thanks to all of you for being part of my kingdom! I know I just said more than one thing. You always allow me the grace of a princess poetic license. And for that, too, I say, Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving holiday!!!
Hugs, love, & live your royally happy life!

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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer. She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.