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Keep a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal” for your royally happy life!

​Bonjour Royal Friends! 

I want to chat with you today about how you can amp up the fun, joy and sweetness of your life by starting a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal.” I came upon this idea the other day when it was a particularly warm mid-February and the promise of spring was glinting in the golden sunshine. I was on my way to a monthly Board meeting and I was in a for-no-darn-reason particularly happy mood. It was the kind of giddy mood where it feels like you’re renting a villa in sunny southern France and you decide to bicycle into the local village and bring home a loaf of bread, a bouquet of daisies and a bottle of red under your arm. You delight in a lazy lunch with your partner, then decide to take a swim in the infinity pool in the back yard. And, even though you consumed half the loaf of bread at lunch, half the brie wheel, and you’re lactose intolerant, you still look fabulous in your bathing suit. None of this was true, mind you, except the giddy part.

Because I felt so elevated in spirit, I decided I wanted to do something special. Just a little small-scale something  that would celebrate my happiness.  I decided I would do something different on my way to the meeting and stop into a quaint little cool-vibe cafe that was slightly out-of-the way.  A teeny tiny adventure of sorts.

I stopped in and enjoyed the atmosphere of natural woods, jazz music, interesting patrons, and the rainbow of eye-candy pastry (and croissants!) in the glass case.  I ordered a cup of coffee to go.  Delish! Nice and hot and dark-roasty tasting like I love it.  I breathed in the fragrance. I grabbed one of the local town papers. Interesting tidbits to read.

Coffee cup in hand and paper under my arm, I returned to my car. Still in an uber sunny mood, I thought to myself how funny that such a small, unexpected treat felt like a celebration of life. And then I had an idea. Why not find a way to have little celebrations of life every day! I know! I could keep a Daily Little Celebrations Journal and write down my ideas for teeny tiny celebrations that could be caught on the fly of daily doings.  By collecting these ideas in a journal, I’ll end up with a treasure chest of “just because” little life celebration ideas at my finger tips. What a great way to amp up living in the now…by doing just special little things for ourselves and naming and claiming them as celebrations.

It’s kind of like a gratitude journal, but instead of looking back for what we are grateful for (a powerful tool for happiness), we are proactively accumulating happiness practices to do in the future. And, ha ha, we can look back and use them in our gratitude journals!

I love the idea of stock-piling ideas in a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal” to put “happiness inserts” into our days. Why not join me and start this practice of a Daily Little Celebrations Journal too! Here’s the first few off of my list that I am excited to grow:

Put fun stickers in my daily planner…on a daily basis! Brew a fresh pot of coffee. Enjoy a cup of fragrant Earl Gray tea. Breakfast at a diner with family/friends. Plan a brunch.  Shopping day with my kids. Play with my grand. Go to the library. Do new exercise routine. Play with my dog. Read poems by Mary Oliver or Rumi. Plan my garden. Work in my garden. Peruse a book store. Color in coloring book with beautiful pencils. Cook something new. Collect recipes. Get Mani/pedi. Browse makeup store. Make a Trader Joe or Costco run and eat the free stuff. Put small bouquets of fresh flowers in a pretty vase by the sink. Play board games. Listen to French radio. Dance to Salsa music for exercise.  Do my Vision Board on Pinterest. “Play” in my closet.

Mae West once famously said, You only live once, and if you do it right, once is enough.” I think keeping a Daily Little Celebrations Journal is one way to do it right!

I would love to hear your ideas for daily teeny tiny celebrations of life in the comments below! 

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 Hugs, love, & live your royally happy life! 




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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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