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Confidence boosting secret phrase every princess should know

Bonjour My Royal Friends!    

I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where Positivity Rules!  I’m so excited to share with you my Princess Positivity Practices and Happiness Habits to help you  live your royally happy, radically fulfilled, richly meaningful life! 

Today’s Princess Positivity Practice is about boosting your confidence.  I don’t know about you, but for me, confidence isn’t something static. It’s more like static electricity. Some days you’re all sparks and hoohaaa, where you feel like you totally know what you are doing.  

Man, you can conquer the world!  You’re all “bring it, baby, and don’t forget the hot sauce! And make that hot!”

Then there’s those other days, where you think, “who was that person?” No matter how fast and hard you rub the balloon against your hair, there’s not a speck of that old can-do spark.  Hot sauce? More like white bread and mayo. 

We all could use a confidence boost now and then.  I bet even Peter Pan didn’t always feel like singing “I Gotta Crow.”

Maybe your boss asked you to make travel plans from Utopia to Paradise and you can’t find either site on the map.  Perhaps you’ve been asked to make a presentation on present-day mating habits of tyrannosaurus rex. Tough stuff. What’s a princess to do?  Here’s a Princess Positivity Pointer that I learned in my career as a lawyer that will help boost your confidence when you feel like you don’t know your foot from your femur. I always keep this one in my handy dandy Princess Positivity pouch, ready to pull out when I need to encourage myself with a boost of confidence to keep working on something that scares me.  One of my bosses taught it to me on the (rare) occasion I admitted I wasn’t sure of what I was doing. Not rare that I didn’t know what I was doing; rare that I admitted it to my boss.  His advice made me realize he prolly felt the same way.

He taught me this: “Go with what you got on a given day.” Of course he meant go with what “you’ve” got on a given day, but that sounds less cool. Less ‘go pound salt,’ you confusing world you. Less nanny nanny poopoo.

You can’t always have a perfect alignment of body and soul and work and life. You’re human. Sometimes what you need to tackle is going to be a bit (or a lot) above your pay grade, but you have to move forward anyway. Go with what you got on a given day.

Remember, 90 % of the trick to surviving mentally is in 100% in your head.
“Live your royally happy life!”



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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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