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Tiara Tawk Tidbits -How to go from feeling invisible to invincible!

Bonjour Royal Friends!

Welcome to my tongue-in-chic happiness lifestyle blog from a princess point of view!  While you’re here, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people can get happiness, optimism & positivity in their inbox!

Today I’m excited to share my newest Tiara Tawk Tidbit, designed to make your life easier one quip at a time! You know that invisible feeling you get when people ignore you or you don’t get what you want when you really should? Today’s Tiara Tawk Tidbit is: 

 “Instead of focusing on what you’re not getting, focus on what you can give.”

Does any of this heartache sound familiar in one form or another? Playing in the sandbox in first grade and your BFF-of-the-day  shares her shovel with the girl in the pigtails when she wouldn’t share it with you. You didn’t get a singing part in the school musical and were cast as the Old Apple Tree. Your high school crush is more interested in pigskin than you or your own skin. Or, you’re passed over for a promotion and that timeshare in Tahiti has turned into a Staycation at Starbucks…if you could only find a table!

It stinks, yeah, but worse than that, it stings. Makes you feel vulnerable. Unheard. Unappreciated. Invisible. Some options to relieve the sting start dancing in your head.  Grabbing the shovel and bopping your BFF on the head. And Miss Pig Tails. Hiding a barking dog soundtrack in the tree hollow.  Ramming a sharp object into the football. Leaving an anonymous tip with HR that your boss runs a gambling ring in Vegas. Take that, all you…you…people who don’t treat me/give me what I want/need!

My royal friends, there’s an antidote for the rotten feelings of neglect and overlook that can take you from feeling invisible to invincible.   Instead of focusing on what you’re not getting, focus on what you can give!  Give the Arielle action figure you found in the sandbox to your BFF. Volunteer to help your cast mates learn their lines. Pregame a gorgeous smile to your high school crush. And mean it. And feel it. Bring your A-game to work and throw positive energy to all the other cube rats, including the Big Cheese.

Sounds counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Giving more when you’re getting less? Well, it only sounds off if you’re jones’n for revenge. But you know what they say: If you’re going on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

I have learned that the pain of feeling slighted makes us feel weak and resonating on the frequency of victimhood. At the same time, the act of giving makes us feel strong and resonating on the frequency of victoriousness.  When you give your love intention and vibration, even when there’s no reciprocity, you step into the beautiful realm of your empowerment, and your full and glowing glory. It vacuum seals the feeling of victimhood away from your heart.  You’re not somebody to mess with, and you’re not a mess; you are THE BOMB. Nobody can make you feel small because you’re not small. You are bigger than the hurts and slights that come your way.

Giving the love that you have inside, even if it ain’t appreciated, makes you SOUL-ar powered. It makes you feel like– even when the proverbial bird craps on your head– it’s good to be you!  I have found that giving when I feel weak and low is my royal coat of arms.  And it can be your armor too.

And that’s it for today’s Tiara Tawk Tidbit!

BEFORE YOU LEAVE, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people (including ROYALLY FABULOUS YOU) can find my blog and get happiness, optimism & positivity in their inbox! Bisous, Tra la la, and Ta ta ta for now!



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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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