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Keep Your Eye Out for Signs & Symbols from the Universe to Guide You

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view!

Today I’d like to talk to you about trusting the universe as your default setting.

Do you ever feel like something higher than yourself has a nose in helping you lead your best life? I do, and I invite you to develop that feeling, that intuition. I call it trusting the Universe. For me, trusting the Universe means having the open-mindedness that allows me to interpret synchronistic events, serendipitous occurrences, and random wisdom sprinkled into my life as some mysterious guidance accruing for my good. Today’s post includes a fun story of true adventure, one where I trusted the universe and it led me to a horse…which led me to jump start my career as a writer. I hope you find inspiration in the story and find application for your life too.

Latest news in the Princess’s Kingdom-drop date for Chicken Soup for the Soul Book is here!

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! TODAY IS DROP DATE! Yes, It’s publication day for the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book…Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven. My story is in it and if you like a good, synchronistic hotrod story…(because there are so many of them, baughhh) you’re gonna love this!

A Royal Sneak Peek: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, and Messages from Heaven in the Princess’s Kingdom

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you about an exciting upcoming event in the kingdom that you, my ROYAL LOYAL SUBSCRIBERS are going to be the first to know about! Hint: The title has Chicken Soup for the Soul and Miracles in it! CLICK ON TITLE TO CONTINUE AND GET THE FULL SCOOP!


Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you about How sailing lessons taught me to handle bitchy and ballsy people. It’s a metaphor that saved me from putting my foot in my mouth many’s a time…and it might help you too. Shoe leather doesn’t taste too good, any way you cook it… CLICK ON TITLE TO CONTINUE AND GET THE FULL SCOOP!

Seven Princess-Worthy Secrets to Snap Out of a Funk When You’ve Got The Blues

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you about 7 PRINCESS-WORTHY SECRETS to pull yourself out of a funk when you’ve got the blues. Here’s a little secret: Even the happiest of happy princesses has bad hair days. I don’t mean bad hair in the literal sense, as tiaras hide a myriad of sins, but those days when she wants to hide under the blankees with her biggest, softest, fluffiest Pooh bear and not come out til Punxsutawney Phil makes his entrance… CLICK ON TITLE TO CONTINUE AND GET THE FULL SCOOP!

The Princess’s Guide to a Royally Happy Life: One Small Improvement at a Time

Bonjour Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you today about the positivity practice of getting up in the morning and asking yourself “how can I improve?” Do you ever wake up and… Read More »The Princess’s Guide to a Royally Happy Life: One Small Improvement at a Time

The surprising key to success…make no mistake about it!

Bonjour Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you today about success and how “It’s not about perfection; it’s about heading in the right direction.”  The world glorifies perfection, yet perfection is an… Read More »The surprising key to success…make no mistake about it!

My Princess Credo…it’s not all Tatlers and Tiaras

Bonjour My Royal Friends!     I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into our kingdom where Happiness Rules!  In our kingdom, you’ll strengthen your happiness muscles by learning the Royal H.O.P. — Happiness Habits, Optimism Opportunities & Positivity Practices that empower you to live your royally happy, radically… Read More »My Princess Credo…it’s not all Tatlers and Tiaras

The Secret of Success is in the Magic of Vic’s Lawn

Bonjour My Royal Friends!     I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where Happiness Rules!  Becoming happier is not something that just happens.  It’s like a muscle. What you exercise becomes stronger and what you don’t, weakens.  In my kingdom, you’ll strengthen your… Read More »The Secret of Success is in the Magic of Vic’s Lawn