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Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Slipping? Try This for Success!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view!  The new year is well under way, but for some of you, your New Year’s resolutions aren’t.  Why is that? I’ll bet dollars to donkeys what you want to achieve is hard! … Read More »Are Your New Year’s Resolutions Slipping? Try This for Success!

How to Banish Boredom for Your Most Fabulous New Year Ever in 2023!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view!  Today I’d like to talk to you about How to Banish Boredom for Your Most Fabulous New Year Ever! But first… The New Year is just about here and I’d like to send… Read More »How to Banish Boredom for Your Most Fabulous New Year Ever in 2023!


​Bonjour Royal Friends! I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where positivity rules and kindness reigns.  Anyone ever see the sci-fi horror film The Blob? It’s about a town that becomes panic-stricken when a deadly alien lifeform shows up suddenly and annihilates everyone… Read More »ANGEL WEAPONS: YOUR NEWEST PRINCESS-WORTHY POSITIVTY TOOL FOR 2021!