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Don’t let stress steal your dreams when you first start out

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ life, style, and happiness guide from a funny princess point of view! We’re often told that we should sail in the direction of our dreams.  That’s great, but we’re not often told how choppy the waters are on the way. Especially in the beginning… Read More »Don’t let stress steal your dreams when you first start out

How to Find Your Life’s Meaning and Purpose this New Year 2022!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Are you sick and tired of watching other people sky rocket to the moon on a jet beam of dreams, while you’re feeling totally unfulfilled riding your Tinker Toy horse? If only you… Read More »How to Find Your Life’s Meaning and Purpose this New Year 2022!


​Bonjour Royal Friends! I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried and it’s a joy to welcome you into my kingdom where positivity rules and kindness reigns.  Anyone ever see the sci-fi horror film The Blob? It’s about a town that becomes panic-stricken when a deadly alien lifeform shows up suddenly and annihilates everyone… Read More »ANGEL WEAPONS: YOUR NEWEST PRINCESS-WORTHY POSITIVTY TOOL FOR 2021!

Find the benefits in adversity and create something positive!

​Bonjour Royal Friends! I hope this post finds you healthy and thriving!  I want to share a story with you today that was originally known as “The Carrot, the Egg or the Coffee Beans.” It’s a beautiful little gem about becoming resilient enough to find the benefits in adversity and create something positive.  The author of that… Read More »Find the benefits in adversity and create something positive!

How to be optimistic during covid 19 and other difficult times

​Bonjour Royal Friends! I hope this post finds you healthy and thriving in these uncommon times. Today I put together a short video to talk to you about finding optimism during uncertain times and you don’t know if everything will work out fabulously. Sounds like the opposite of optimism, right? It’s… Read More »How to be optimistic during covid 19 and other difficult times