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Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view!

Today I write to you from my palace desk about my upcoming BOOK SIGNING and Inspiring Author event..and YOU ARE INVITED! There will be snacks! 😉

The date is Thursday, March 20th 7pm East Brunswick Library in East Brunswick, NJ. The First 20 people will receive a free copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven. That’s right…20 of you will get a free book! I’ll be speaking about stories of miracles and messages, overcoming cynicism, how synchronicities helped me through breast cancer, PLUS behind-the-scenes insights on how to be published in Chicken Soup Series….CLICK ON TITLE TO CONTINUE….

Keep Your Eye Out for Signs & Symbols from the Universe to Guide You

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view!

Today I’d like to talk to you about trusting the universe as your default setting.

Do you ever feel like something higher than yourself has a nose in helping you lead your best life? I do, and I invite you to develop that feeling, that intuition. I call it trusting the Universe. For me, trusting the Universe means having the open-mindedness that allows me to interpret synchronistic events, serendipitous occurrences, and random wisdom sprinkled into my life as some mysterious guidance accruing for my good. Today’s post includes a fun story of true adventure, one where I trusted the universe and it led me to a horse…which led me to jump start my career as a writer. I hope you find inspiration in the story and find application for your life too.

Latest news in the Princess’s Kingdom-drop date for Chicken Soup for the Soul Book is here!

Bonjour my Royal friends! Welcome to my blog, a ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! TODAY IS DROP DATE! Yes, It’s publication day for the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book…Miracles, Angels & Messages from Heaven. My story is in it and if you like a good, synchronistic hotrod story…(because there are so many of them, baughhh) you’re gonna love this!