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Spring Renewal – Finding the positive when life brings poop

woman smelling flowers

Dear Royal Friends,

A little bunny told me that spring is hare, I mean here!  Time for recalibratin’, re-evalutatin’, and re-invigoratin’ your outlook on life. Time to push upwards with a new view. Maybe life ain’t that bad. Maybe there’s something wonderful and promising in your life that doesn’t look so great right now.  Listen, if the tulips and daffodils can do it, so can you! They slept as bulbs all winter long, cozy and warm underground.  Then spring came along, they peeped up from the ground, and what did they find? They’re surrounded by fertilizing poop that smells so bad, it’s a wonder they don’t dive back into the earth and grow upside down!

But they knew how to put a good spin on the stink. They knew their  situation may be hard to take right now, but it’s gonna turn them into one glorious bouquet!

The ability to find what’s good lurking in what seems bad is one of the biggest keys to a happy life.  You know that joke about the little boy who found poop in the living room under the Christmas tree, and instead of crying, he happily exclaimed, “I know there’s a pony here somewhere!” The trick in life is to try to find that darn pony lurking in every smelly pile.

Very often, it’s these challenges and limitations in our lives that hold something wonderful, if we just remember to look for it.  A perfect example of this is Dr. Seuss. He wrote one of his most famous books, “Green Eggs and Ham,” on a bet he couldn’t write a book with fifty or fewer words. We all know how that turned out.  He got to say, “Here’s egg on your face.”

I remember when I was in college and I had a  painful infection in my tooth and had to rush to the University clinic for an emergency root canal. The tooth then needed a crown. (Perfect for a princess, aye?) Well the little bugger didn’t fit perfectly, and little bits of dinner liked to hang out there.  I thought at the time, “Well this sucks. Food is getting caught in my tooth and I have to floss it out every night.  What a pain!”  But I figured as long as I was flossing the one tooth, I might as well floss them all. And the habit of flossing was born.  Voila. Something good from something bad.

And indeed, like the habit of flossing, learning to find the good in the bad is also a habit, and you would benefit greatly from cultivating it, even in the lighter challenges of your life.  Say you bemoan the fact that you can only afford one really good Little Black Dress. That might feel like a lack.  But with only one LBD, you might find the benefit of working your creativity like nobody’s biz.  One little black dress might be a catalyst to exploring  different ways to express yourself.  A big starburst pin on the shoulder one evening,  a vivid scarf flowing a la Isadora Duncan another,  bangles and baubles on another occasion, red heels on another, a bold statement necklace on another. Necessity is the mother of invention…in the end you learn something wonderful about yourself. You never knew you were such a mother!

Try looking at life from a benefits point of view, even in the hard times. The moment you take a problem and turn it on its head to find the blessing, life gets a whole lot easier, and you get a whole lot happier.


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