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Transformational Tiara Talk

Come to a “Transformational Tiara Tawk…”

and learn to wake up every morning to your happiest, most extraordinary life imaginable… without quitting your day job!

Humor-laced, self-help Transformational Tiara Tawks are the key to unlocking your powerful princess happiness mojo!

You’ll get science-based tips and tricks for happiness and fulfillment from Positive Psychology research.

You’ll also learn unique wisdom from the desk of Princess Diane Von Brainisfried that was gathered over the years from wise sherpas in her kingdom as well as from her own life experience, which includes fighting metastatic breast cancer.

You won’t find these secrets anywhere else!

Who should attend a Transformational Tiara Tawk?

These Tawks are for women who want to:

  • quickly learn happiness strategies
  • find a sense of passionate purpose –without having to dump their day job
  • find and pursue BIG ideas, dreams and goals without fear of failure holding them back
  • know they have something great to give, who either haven’t found what that is yet or who have found it but feel stuck
  • become more resilient so they can think great “solutions” under stress to boost proficiency in work and other grand endeavors
  • are rational and logical, but who also want to access the power of serendipity and intuition to find support on their journey to All Possibilities
  • make a profoundly positive difference in the world by becoming a beacon of light for others

In other words, these Tawks are for you and the women in your sphere, such as corporate groups, businesses, trade organizations, attorney associations, educators, entrepreneurs, book clubs, garden clubs, private parties and events, fundraisers, and of course, palace galas.

Can guys come too?


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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It will be available for purchase soon, on September 17th, 2024!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! currently available, for those of you who just can't wait!