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Princess Diane Von B

Jubilant Woman


Dear Royal Friends, I’m back from the phenomenal World Happiness Summit in Miami. Woohoo WOHASU! As promised I’m excited to share my 3 TOP TRANSFORMATIONAL HAPPINESS  takeaways from the WOHASU conference on happiness, where I was honored to be a facilitator.  Here they are, in random order: #1 Happiness starts… Read More »3 TOP TRANSFORMATIONAL HAPPINESS IDEAS FROM WOHASU – MIAMI WORLD HAPPINESS SUMMIT

Find a Reason to Smile

Top 3 transformational happiness concepts – I promise to share my takeaway from WOHASU

Dear Princess, As many of you know I’ve been invited to be a facilitator at next week’s World Happiness Summit in Miami, where I will be schmoozing and elbow bruising with some of the world’s most extraordinary thinkers and happiness experts dedicated to promoting a happier world. HERE’S MY PROMISE… Read More »Top 3 transformational happiness concepts – I promise to share my takeaway from WOHASU

World Happiness Summitt 2017

Why is the Earth Smiling?

Dear Royal Friends, The earth is all sunshine and smiles over the 1st World Happiness Summit!!!  It’s presented by lululemon athletica  March 17-19 in Miami Florida, uniting 25+ leading experts to launch the Global Happiness Movement!  And Princess Diane Von Brainisfried has her sunscreen and sandals packed because… I’ve been… Read More »Why is the Earth Smiling?

Michaelangelo Statue

There’s a big chunk o’ greatness inside of you!

Dear Princess~                                                                 Did you know that the magnificent, breathtaking and awe-inspiring statue of David already existed beneath the giant chunk of marble, even before it was created? According to the artist it did!  Michelangelo said of his statue, ”The sculpture is already complete within the marble block, before I start… Read More »There’s a big chunk o’ greatness inside of you!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Available for purchase now!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! also currently available.