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Princess Diane Von B

How to be optimistic during covid 19 and other difficult times

​Bonjour Royal Friends! I hope this post finds you healthy and thriving in these uncommon times. Today I put together a short video to talk to you about finding optimism during uncertain times and you don’t know if everything will work out fabulously. Sounds like the opposite of optimism, right? It’s… Read More »How to be optimistic during covid 19 and other difficult times

Keep a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal” for your royally happy life!

​Bonjour Royal Friends!  I want to chat with you today about how you can amp up the fun, joy and sweetness of your life by starting a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal.” I came upon this idea the other day when it was a particularly warm mid-February and the promise of spring… Read More »Keep a “Daily Little Celebrations Journal” for your royally happy life!

Make Thanksgiving Even Better with This New Tradition!

Bonjour Royal Friends!  I’d like to talk to you today about making this Thanksgiving holiday better than it’s ever been by adding a new tradition to your Thanksgiving entertaining repertoire.  Well, you say Princess, “Fat chance/nice try. We already have all the tradition we need. (translation: We have way too much… Read More »Make Thanksgiving Even Better with This New Tradition!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Available for purchase now!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! also currently available.