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Princess Diane Von B

How a small shift in perspective helped me deal with my big fat fear

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ life, style, and happiness blog from a funny princess point of view! Today I’d like to talk to you about how small shifts in perspective can promote big changes to boost happiness. I learned this principle from my experience with breast cancer, and I… Read More »How a small shift in perspective helped me deal with my big fat fear

Don’t let stress steal your dreams when you first start out

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ life, style, and happiness guide from a funny princess point of view! We’re often told that we should sail in the direction of our dreams.  That’s great, but we’re not often told how choppy the waters are on the way. Especially in the beginning… Read More »Don’t let stress steal your dreams when you first start out

How to Find Your Life’s Meaning and Purpose this New Year 2022!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ happiness lifestyle guide from a funny princess point of view! Are you sick and tired of watching other people sky rocket to the moon on a jet beam of dreams, while you’re feeling totally unfulfilled riding your Tinker Toy horse? If only you… Read More »How to Find Your Life’s Meaning and Purpose this New Year 2022!

Enchanting Discoveries…People, Places, Things: Prince Dimitri talks tiaras…and other royal jewels!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my tongue-in-chic life, style & happiness blog from a funny princess point of view! I’m delighted to share the newest installment of my Series: Enchanting Discoveries…People Places Things that highlight fabulous treasures I encounter in my travels. Today’s enchanting discovery highlights the brilliant, multi-talented and yes, enchanting Prince Dimitri… Read More »Enchanting Discoveries…People, Places, Things: Prince Dimitri talks tiaras…and other royal jewels!

Enchanting Discoveries…People Places Things. An article in about one of my fans in “HomeLess Made”

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my tongue-in-chic life, style & happiness blog from a funny princess point of view!  While you’re here, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people can find happiness life & style tips in their inbox! Today I’d like to share with… Read More »Enchanting Discoveries…People Places Things. An article in about one of my fans in “HomeLess Made”

Tiara Tawk Tidbits -How to go from feeling invisible to invincible!

Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my tongue-in-chic happiness lifestyle blog from a princess point of view!  While you’re here, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people can get happiness, optimism & positivity in their inbox! Today I’m excited to share my newest Tiara Tawk… Read More »Tiara Tawk Tidbits -How to go from feeling invisible to invincible!

Tiara Tawk Tidbits – Do you really want to say that? How and why to hold your tongue

​Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my tongue-in-chic happiness lifestyle blog from a princess point of view!  While you’re here, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people can get happiness, optimism & positivity in their inbox! Today I’m excited to share my newest Tiara Tawk… Read More »Tiara Tawk Tidbits – Do you really want to say that? How and why to hold your tongue


Bonjour Royal Friends! Welcome to my tongue-in-chic happiness lifestyle blog from a princess point of view!   While you’re here, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my blog! You’ll help boost the algorithm so more people can get happiness, optimism & positivity in their inbox! Today I’m excited to share the next adventure… Read More »ENCHANTING DISCOVERIES: people, places, things-ARTIST & DOG PAINTER & SCRIBBLE EXPERT BARBARA NEIBART

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Available for purchase now!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! also currently available.