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Rutgers Breast Cancer Awareness Event

on Zoom

I am delighted to once again join a panel discussion on Breast Cancer, sponsored by Women’s Committee of the Rutgers American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists Chapter (APhA-ASP) and Rutgers Phi Delta Chi, a professional pharmacy fraternity on campus.

Beating the Mammogram Waiting Room Blues

on Zoom

“Beating the Mammogram Waiting Room Blues…No Matter What Happens” Seminar (on Zoom) at Women’s Health Institute of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Medical School.

Book Launch Tour

I am tickled pink to announce my new Book  Launch  Tour! In conjunction with the publishing of Bonjour, Breast Cancer – I’m Still Smiling! on September 20th, I’m stopping by several palaces for a royal chat (see schedule below). These talks are for anyone who has had breast cancer or has been touched by someone who has….as well as… Read More »Book Launch Tour

Virtual Local Author Days

Princeton Library 65 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ, United States

I am honored to have been selected as a featured author for this virtual event! View My Author Page Learn More About Virtual Author Days

Standing Together, Although We’re Apart

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Relay for Life can’t be held in the same format as prior years. Instead, it will be an online celebration, including traditional elements like the opening ceremony, survivor lap,  caregiver recognition, and luminaria ceremony. I am honored to be a speaker at this virtual event!

Rutgers Breast Cancer Awareness Event

on Zoom

I am delighted to join a panel discussion on Breast Cancer, sponsored by Women’s Committee of the Rutgers American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists Chapter (APhA-ASP) and Rutgers Phi Delta Chi, a professional pharmacy fraternity on campus. More info coming soon!

Relay USA – Standing Together, Although We’re Apart

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Relay for Life can’t be held in the same format as prior years. Instead, it will be an online celebration, including traditional elements like the opening ceremony, survivor lap,  caregiver recognition, and luminaria ceremony. I am honored to be a speaker at this virtual event!

Babs Siperstein Humanities Seminar

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital 1 Robert Wood Johnson Place, Dining Room, 2nd floor, New Brunswick, NJ, United States

Strategies for optimism and positivity in the face of challenge

Bonjour Breast Cancer talk

Burlington County Library, Westhampton 125 Symmes Dr, Westhampton, United States

Bonjour, Breast Cancer—I’m Still Smiling! is a lively talk based on “Princess” Diane von Brainisfried’s personal experience embracing the journey of breast cancer and her new book of the same name. This practical and humorous guide to beating the breast cancer blues combines her insights and epiphanies with research-based positive psychology strategies, along with the… Read More »Bonjour Breast Cancer talk

“Funds for Friends” Dine and Donate

Green Turtle Sports Bar and Grille 211 Main St, North Brunswick Township, NJ, United States

I will be signing books as part of the “Funds for Friends” Dine and Donate fundraiser.

Bonjour Breast Cancer talk

Monmouth County Library 125 Symmes Dr, Manalapan Township, United States

Bonjour, Breast Cancer—I’m Still Smiling! is a lively talk based on “Princess” Diane von Brainisfried’s personal experience embracing the journey of breast cancer and her new book of the same name. This practical and humorous guide to beating the breast cancer blues combines her insights and epiphanies with research-based positive psychology strategies, along with the… Read More »Bonjour Breast Cancer talk