Every princess has a family crest, but did you know she also needs a credo?
Yes indeedy. People need to know what a princess stands for. Otherwise, she’ll always be sitting.

How did I discover I was a princess?
I was born in a Tiffany box. I was bottle fed on Coco (Chanel) and grew up eating “karats.” I only recently learned of my royal roots upon discovering a royal coat of arms on my father’s side of the closet. (I got the legs from my mother’s side.)

Curious about the origin of the royal coat of arms, I consulted a PhD (Doctor of Psychic-Historianism) specializing in the family trees of European royalty…

…with a small sub-specialty in bonsai and Ouija boards. A past life regressionist by the ancient seas in Ashqelon threw her two centimes in, too. Holy crab cakes with Bearnaise sauce! The armor was our missing link to the Royal House of Bourbon! Oddly, I never touch the stuff.
Did you know you are related to royalty too?
Here’s why! Check out the INFOGRAPHIC BELOW, explaining the internationally recognized theory of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”

What are the biggest happiness & lifestyle secrets fit for a princess?
When I learned of my royal roots, I had to get off my duff, roll on my ruff, and get up to princess snuff in a huff! Now you can too!
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