I’m Princess Diane Von Brainisfried.
I’m on a mission: To be a Royal Ambassador for Positivity in the World.
Here’s what I do about it: I teach new ways of Being and Seeing through humor-laced seminars, workshops, talks, and my blog that promote Happiness, Optimism, and Positivity.
When I’m not busy giving seminars on positivity and purpose, or coaching my illustrious mentees (not related to manatees) you might find me blogging my brains out at my palace desk, smashing Champagne bottles over the bows of ships or attending swanky charity balls. I also write screenplays and musicals under my nom de plume, Diane Young Uniman.
I’m also an opera singer, lawyer, punster, philosopher, entrepreneur, wife, mom to two large land animals called boys, Francophile, and French bulldog obsessor. I’m also a breast cancer survivor.
I’m so excited I was chosen to be a contributor to the book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! which you can now order!
You can also purchase my book, Bonjour Breast Cancer! I’m still smiling…wit, wisdom, and optimism for beating breast cancer blues.
My Story
Nowadays, I jump out of bed every morning ready to face the day with joy. But there was a time when I didn’t – I enjoyed my career as a lawyer, but felt like I wasn’t living my authentic life.
Learn more about my journey, and why I can help you fill that half-empty goblet!