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Tools and Tips for Optimism and Positivity in the Face of Challenges

Greek Head Planter

Life isn’t’ always a bowl of cherries…sometimes it’s the pits! This humor-filled course teaches strategies for optimism and positivity in the face of challenges to our happiness. A perfect life isn’t the goal; a better one is.

Course Description (60 Minutes):

This course teaches encouraging ideas for optimism and positivity regardless of our circumstances.  A version of this course was originally developed for the transgender community pursuant to a speaking invitation at the Babs Siperstein Humanities and Medicine Seminar at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.

Topics Include:

  • Overcoming negative self-talk
  • Letting go of toxic emotional baggage
  • Filling the hole of the dreaded “inner void”
  • Finding a sense of meaning and purpose in the darkness
  • Using empowering words to empower your world
  • Leveraging gratitude to lighten your load
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Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It will be available for purchase soon, on September 17th, 2024!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! currently available, for those of you who just can't wait!