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What They’re Saying!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried as a Speaker

Power of Living Now

Best testament- I took three pages of notes-Just a wonderous talk about the power of spirit-attitude-realization-the power of living now. Another testament-I could listen to this entire lecture again-and again.

Calvin Schwartz
Senior Writer, Producer, co-host, NJ


Diane is a wonderful, uplifting and positive speaker. As an oncology nurse it gave me a great perspective on ways to deal with stresses and ‘switching’ one’s mine to a more positive outlook! I can use this presentation to help care for my patients and in life in general.

Lori Sookerman


Princess Diane von Brainisfried’s ‘Princess of Positivity’ was so enthusiastic and sincere in her presentation. I was extremely inspired to keep her tips for beating the breast cancer blues in my thoughts every day. A very valuable lesson in saying bonjour to breast cancer.

Nancy Naar
Officer, RWJUH Auxiliary Board

Contagious Energy

Princess Di Di’s energy is contagious. We all need to catch some great energy. Her ideas about happiness and how to find it will be an important contribution to the Happiness lit.

Kathy Glaser
Teacher, Metuchen, NJ

Catchy Smile

Diane’s positivity and humor are inspiring. It was my pleasure to listen and feel her positivity. Her smile is catching and I truly admire her for sharing her experience to reach others and help them.

Joella Sperber


Your willingness to share your journey in order to help and guide others through the abyss is remarkable…Thank you Princess for all your wisdom and insight…

Claudia Fusaro

Funny but Practical

Practical, uplifting advice for everyone. It was nice to have a few laughs.

Kathleen Bobash
Accounting Senior Analyst


Inspirational, optimistic, humorous, and uplifting. Wonderful words of wisdom. Thank you.

Sharon Cohen


Delightfully educationally uplifting and moving. Very helpful.

Marianne Squire-Maszer

What an Inspiration!

Deep insights delivered with punch & humor. Makes you think and laugh. Her ideas on how to find your unique sense of passionate purpose were themselves unique. She totally inspired me to find mine!

M Brand
Metuchen, NJ

An Ebullient Guide

Brainisfried’s bubbling with practical and fresh ideas on the topic of how to get “royally happy and radically fulfilled.” Step-by-step she guides you on a journey inside your heart and mind to help you find what makes your heart sing.

Somerset, NJ


Nothing is more powerful than the power of positive thinking done with such humor and grace. Everyone can learn from the insights shared no matter what your life has in store… you now have the tools to surviving.

Beverly Reinson


The humor, stories and interactive feedback! She was AWESOME!!!

Wakefern Seminar Attendee
Edison, NJ

Spot On!

Princess Diane Von Brainisfried is as funny as she is on the money!

K. Scoglio
Metuchen, NJ


Inspirational and different from usual fare.

Wakefern Seminar Attendee
Edison, NJ

Totally Worth It!

Princess D’s energetic presentation and spontaneity made me smile, laugh out loud, think about taking MY next step! Thoroughly worth it!!!

Sophia B.

Royal Insight

I highly recommend listening to what this insightful princess has to say! She had me looking at the possibilities for happiness with new eyes!


Put Zing in Your Step!

Funny and fresh take on how to put a zing in your step and slap a smile on your face! I can’t wait to check out her programs!

U. A.
Little Silver, NJ

Praise for Bonjour, Breast Cancer — I’m Still Smiling!

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles, Angels, & Messages from Heaven

The Princess is honored to again have one of her stories featured in the newest iteration of Chicken Soup for the Soul books. It will be available for purchase soon, on September 17th, 2024!

Princess Diane von Brainisfried was previously featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny! currently available, for those of you who just can't wait!