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Everything You Need to Know About The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee & pdf Celebrity Platinum Jubilee Recipes!

Queen Elizabeth’s photo: credit Jacob King/PA Wire/PA Images.

Bonjour Royal Friends!

Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ life, style, and happiness blog from a funny princess point of view!

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend is right around the corner! That’s a serious Woohoo. Queen Elizabeth is the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.  From June 2 to June 5th there will be a celebration of her 70-year reign and boy oh boy, those Brits are planning a weekend blowout bigger than a one-day sale at Selfridges!

I’m passing on the Palace Agenda, some inside scoop, a downloadable PLATINUM JUBILEE CELEBRITY BIG LUNCH CELEBRITY COOKBOOK from Eden Project Communities for this historic occasion so you don’t miss a bit of all the fabulous hoopla taking place. And to top it all off, a link to buy some biscuits (cookies to us Yanks) in a magnificently purple Platinum Jubilee Commemorative tin. 


Thursday June 2nd the Queen’s Birthday Parade will take place with thousands of uniforms (on both humans and horses) in military pageantry. The parade will return to Buckingham Palace where the Royal Family will appear on the balcony, royal wave in hand, for sure.

The long tradition of Jubilee Beacon lighting will be nothing less than awe-inspiring as thousands of beacons lit by basically everyone everywhere light up their lives, with a Principal Beacon lighting ceremony at Buckingham Palace.


Friday June 3rd there will be a Service of Thanksgiving for The Queen’s reign at St Paul’s Cathedral. 


Saturday June 4th will be The Derby at Epsom Downs and a Platinum Party at the Palace. That bad boy party will have around 22,000 people, 10,000 of which were distributed via public ballot and 5,000 for key workers. (I’m so excited because I received an invitation to the Palace Platinum Party! It came in an envelope with an official seal!)


Sunday June 5th, for anyone left not plastered after that Platinum Party there will be thousands of Big Jubilee Lunches. For those of us on this side of the ocean, Big Lunches over there are a “thing.”  More than 60 thousand people signed up to host Big Jubilee Lunches, which will put our Coney Island hot dog eating contest camaraderie to shame. They are going for world records for the longest street party! And of course, backyard BBQ’s will rule.

Afterwards, if anyone needs to hitch a ride home, The Gold State Carriage (think Cinderella’s on steroids) will be breezing though, leading the way of the Platinum Jubilee Pageant.  Just kidding about the hitch. There’s no rumble seat.

If this all sounds dreamy but impossibly remote, you can do something to be part of the celebration! Why not host your own Platinum Jubilee Party or Big Lunch!


To help you get into true blue Brit spirit, here’s a link to download the Eden Project Communities’ Celebrity Chef Platinum Jubilee Big Lunch Cookbook!

Pretty cool too, that among the recipes you’ll find the  the Fortnum & Mason Platinum Pudding Competition Winner that you can download.


I, myself have already gotten into the Platinum Jubilee party mood. Besides planning a celebratory get together, I’ve ordered some delectable biscuits from the Buckingham Palace gift shop. It’s packed in a magnificent, fancy, royally purple Platinum Jubilee tin. A piece of royal history in a tin. Fancy that. There were a lot more commemorative items in the shop, alas most are sold out.  But this ain’t no booby prize; the tin is gorgeous and a fab keepsake you can use for storing cookies forever. I’m not an affiliate linker here, just an excited princess who loves a royal keepsake cookie tin!

Will you be celebrating? Send me some ideas and ways that you might be taking part in this historic occasion!

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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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