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Big News! Chicken Soup for the Soul Brings You Laughter..Me Too!

Bonjour Royal Friends!

Welcome to my ‘tongue-in-chic’ life, style, and happiness blog from a funny princess point of view!

I promised I’d keep you in the loop of all my princess comings, goings and doings in the kingdom. Well I have some BIG News!

You probably know that humor is one of my Super Powers! And sharing laughter is one of the fun-est things I love to do. So I’m thrilled to share something that will make you chuckle, grin, laugh, and guffaw more than a hyena suckin’ on a helium ballon!  There’s a new Chicken Soup for the Soul book out called “Chicken Soup for the Soul:Too Funny!”... 101 Hilarious Stories to Brighten Your Days.”  Each of the stories was selected from over thousands of entries, so you know if you read this book you’ll be holding regular humor gold in your hands that will be well….good for the soul. 

Here’ the princess part: one of my stories is in the book! My story is called “Lessons from a Garage Door” and it’s about something crazy I did concerning our garage door,  then my son got snagged into the fray, and we all had a big laugh and learn. You’ll just have to read it to find out just how “Brain-is-fried” I am!

The book is NOW ON SALE ON BOOK SHELVES IN BOOK STORES AND ON LINE. BAUGGHHHH + LOL = LOVE FROM ME TO YOU.  You can’t have too much laughter in your life…well, this book might just prove otherwise!  But don’t worry….It’s infectious!!!! GRAB YOUR COPY HERE!

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Dame Diane Uniman, Aka Princess Diane von Brainisfried, is an attorney turned motivational speaker, certified positive psychology life coach and award-winning writer.  She wrote Bonjour, Breast Cancer-I’m Still Smiling…Wit, Wisdom, and Optimism for Beating the Breast Cancer Blues.

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